stor admin

Stor is a cutting-edge Admin Website Template built using the React platform. Its Lerna monorepo architecture and bulletproof UI components, which comply with storybook standards, make it an ideal choice for developers seeking a robust and reliable dashboard.

All elements in this react js dashboard template are written in strict TypeScript, with React Context used to manage the global state. Tailwind CSS is utilized to create reusable components, and form validation is handled by React Hook Form.

Stor also includes a range of interactive maps, with Charts made using ChartJS, Echarts, and chartist. Hooks are used throughout the application, and there is no dependency on jQuery.

This React HTML Admin Website Template comes with five pre-built dashboard templates, pre-built apps (Chat, Contacts, File Manager, Calendar, etc.), pre-built pages (Sign in and Signup, etc.), and a responsive layout, among other features. It is fully compatible with Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers, and includes Google Maps integration, React Vector Maps, and 100% valid W3C web standards.

Moreover, Stor boasts a beautiful and unique design, and the team offers lifetime free updates and top-notch five-star support for added convenience.

If you are seeking a sophisticated, modern, and comprehensive React admin dashboard template, look no further than Stor. With its extensive range of pre-built templates, apps, pages, and more, it has everything you need to kickstart your next project. Give it a try today and experience its powerful capabilities firsthand!


  • Build on React Platform (v18.2.0)
  • Lerna Monorepo Architecture
  • Bulletproof UI Components with Storybook
  • All Components are written in Strict Typescript
  • Global State Manage by React Context
  • Components Build On Tailwind CSS
  • Reuseable Components
  • Form Validation Check by React Hook Form
  • Beautiful Charts Made by ChartJS, Echarts and chartist
  • Interactive Maps
  • React Hooks used
  • No jQuery Dependency
  • 5 Pre-built Dashboard Templates
  • Pre-built Apps (Chat, Contacts, File Manager, Calendar, etc.)
  • Pre-built Pages (Signin, Signup, Error Pages, Profile etc.)
  • Responsive Layout
  • Google Maps, React Vector Maps
  • Google Font & Custom Font
  • Font-Awesome & ionicons Icon
  • Modal collections
  • Fully compatible for all major browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge
  • Well Documented
  • 100% valid W3 web standards.
  • Beautiful and Unique Design
  • Life Time Free Update
  • Amazing 5 stars support
  • Best Developer Experience
  • and Much Moreā€¦